Principle of focus untrasound hifu face lift:
Use high energy ultrasound focusing the treatment position, so that the skin tissue create the thermal, and make high-speed friction cells to stimulate collagen. Such heat effect will not hurt the epidermis, because the treatment fast and direct access to the treatment site within 0-0.5 seconds, without touching the surrounding tissue and can be passed directly to the superficial tendon membrane system (SMAS), so it can be done firm skin while pulling the
muscle layer, thin face up to the progressive effect.

Application of focus untrasound hifu face lift :
l- Suitable for people over 30, the skin just started to enter the aging, a single therapy can help accelerate the active cells, the treatment effect is more significant and long-lasting.
lI- Suitable for people over 40, the skin issues has appeared sagging and loose, we recommend use different technologies of treatment to ensure effective retard aging and significantly improve the skin problem.

Treatment heads of hifu machine:

Treatment position of hifu machine:
Forehead, eyes, cheekbones, apples muscle, cheeks, chin and neck such as sagging skin aging phenomenon
The picture of treatment areas:

Machine Features:
1.ultrasonic transducer: Germany transducer imported and can ensure the penetrate depth and accuracy of spots
2. Actuator: 100% imported, which can keep accurate uniform space between spots
3. Quick & short treatment time : 30 MINS one face treatment
4. SMAS contraction : collagen remodeling , elastine fiber contraction
5. None downtime : skin just become red within the first several hours , then skin recover
6. Instant result will be checked from the second month to the nine month , good result will last 2-3 years
7. Totally non-invasive
Technical Specifications of hifu machine:

Mainly important questions &answers of HIFU machine:
1.Is HIFU surgery?
No.HIFU is a non-invasive procedure that addresses the skin and support layers below it, but doesn't entail cutting or disrupting the surface of the skin.
2.How is hifu machine different from lasers?
Lasers typically address issues in the superficial layers of the skin (e.g. fine lines, wrinkles, pigment changes). HIFU addresses the deep skin layer and the foundational layer addressed in cosmetic surgery that lift and lend support to the skin. Therefore, the two technologies are quite complementary!
3.Is hifu machine safe?
Over 200,000 treatments have been performed safely worldwide. In addition, ultrasound energy has a proven track record, with use in the field of medicine for more than 50 years.
4.Who is a good candidate for HIFU?
A good candidate for HIFU is someone with skin that has "relaxed" to the point of looking, and often feeling, less firm. Sagging skin on the eyebrows, on the neck or under the chin, for instance, are often the first signs of "maturing" skin. Typically, those in their thirties and older who have mild to moderate skin laxity are candidates.
While HIFU is not a replacement for a surgical face lift, there are many people who want some lifting but are not ready for surgery, either mentally, financially or logistically. There are also younger people who want to "stay ahead of the game" as well as those looking to prolong the effects of cosmetic surgery.
5.How long does the HIFU treatment take?
A treatment typically takes 60-90 minutes and does not involve any downtime.
6.What problem areas does HIFU target? What kind of results do you get?
HIFU addresses mild to moderate loose or sagging skin on the face and neck. Specifically, by reconditioning and renewing the skin from within, HIFU will lift the brow and give a more refreshed look overall. HIFU is also used to lift and tighten sagging skin on the neck and under the chin, addressing the "turkey gobbler" and "double chin," which many patients are trying to eliminate.
7.How long until I see results?
Patients may enjoy some initial effect but the ultimate lifting and toning will take place over 2-3 months, as tired collagen is replaced with new, more elastic collagen. As this collagen-building process continues, further improvements can appear up to 6 months following a procedure.
8.Will I need more than one treatment?
The majority of patients only need one treatment; however, some may benefit from more than one treatment (depending on how much laxity they have and their body's own biological response to the ultrasound and collagen-building process). Your physician will be able to recommend the right treatment plan for your needs.
9.Is there any downtime?
HIFU is an entirely non-invasive procedure and as such, there is no downtime. You are able to return to your normal activities right away, and there are no special measures you need to take.
10.Will I feel the ultrasound during the treatment?
Yes. What you are feeling during the treatment is actually tiny amounts of focused ultrasound energy being deposited below the surface of the skin.